Thursday, February 18, 2016

Should've Stuck With my First Instinct

the morning started off extremely windy, gusts up to 50 mph, according to a weather report i got. it was very difficult to find my line while stripping cause the wind was playing with the slack line quite a bit, which i blame for me missing several fish. i had fished up quite a ways and noticed a nasty storm coming over the mountains and my first thought was that maybe i should start heading back to the jeep and calling it a day, but cause the fishing had been decent to that point, i trumped my first instinct and decided that i would keep going and hope that maybe the storm would miss me. bad move! the storm was on me in no time starting with some thunder and a little lightning accompanied with that wind and then the sleet. i briefly tried to take shelter under some small bushes and hoped it was soon pass, that was a pointless move, i was getting soaked, and soaked to the bone in a hurry. screw it, i realized it was here to stay and it proved to be a miserable long walk back to the jeep. wind and sleet blowing into me and stingy my face. it took me about 35-40 minutes to get back to the jeep and it took a long time to warm up as i was soaked to the core.

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