Saturday, July 13, 2024

2 bodies of water

We headed out at o'dark thirty in the morning and drove a couple hours to get to our destination. when we arrived a couple of the access spots were occupied already so we drove to one that was free and made our way to the river. matt started with streamers since it was early in the morning. i rigged up with a green drake dry. the streamer got minimal action but my dries that i threw didnt even move a fish. after about 3hrs of that beat down we headed in the direction of home but stopped to take a look at a different river. we fished our way down from the bridge with both of us throwing dries. minimal action again and what action there was it was little fish. we switched to streamers on the way back up which proved to be a much better option. we both saw what we felt were in the 2ft range, i lost one that was about 23" and matt landed one that was 20". still didnt see much but we at least saw some action.

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