So, was researching potential hikes for yesterday. found one that was supposed to be a 7 miler round trip. thought that that was certainly doable without much issue. invited my daughters boyfriend to tag along since he likes to hike and has never been in the Unitas. both my hiking book and on-line info said 7 miles round trip with the last mile being pretty steep and only mentioning cutthroat in the lake. i was only interested in cutthroat so i chose this hike. all said and done, the last almost 1.5 miles was extremely steep, at least for us. it was 1000ft incline in that distance, i caught mostly brookies with just a few cutts and it ended up being 10.7 miles round trip. the hike was fine for the first 3.5 miles but it was that last 1.5 that really did us in. it was an ass kicker for sure and my longest hike to date. the fishing was definitely lights out for pan sized fish though
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