...to fish so naturally i took it. me and nate took a little drive and didnt do to bad. first time ive fished it since the last run off. not a whole lot of chances but there are a few. the fishing was pretty decent with some good fish taken
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Brian Chaney
The owner of Korkers was in town so he, me and matt drove over to strawberry res. since that is the lake that brian wanted to fish. we were there for a couple of hours and none of us pulled any fish. we then drove over to the doosh where we all at least got on the board but with nothing special. i wish we couldve gotten brian on some good fish but it just wasnt in the cards.

Monday, July 22, 2019
We went fishing
Yeah for us. anyway me and matt fished from bridge to bridge which unfortunately only took about 3 hours. the fishing started off pretty damn good but fizzled towards the end. we were confronted at the first house we came to by a guy who said we were trespassing and threatened to call the sheriff. my response was call the sheriff cause that whole section is public waters and i told him if i am expected to know the laws then so should he be. personally i think he knew the latest ruling but was hoping to scare us off. he clearly saw that we were not worried about his threats and we continued to rail fish with in eye sight of him, i hope it pissed him off. needless to say the sheriff never showed up and thats either cause the guy didnt call them or they told him that its open to the public so shut the fuck up. once we were at the original finish point we were just gonna continue to fish up for awhile but there were 2 other vehicles so we started driving down river ways but there were people on the water everywhere so it ended up just being a short day

Saturday, July 20, 2019
My friday off
I spent the morning on the river as usual on my days off. only did about 3 hours. i fished the same section as i did last wknd but the fishing was near as active this time around. according to the USGS graphs, the flows had dropped to close to 100 cfs as opposed to 150ish cfs last week. honestly o the river the flows seemed about the same to me. only landed 3 fish but my last one was 22 inches and had great color to it
Sunday, July 14, 2019
The flows had dropped....
....to a comfortably fishable level. i had a stopping point in my to fish up to but after about 3hrs of fishing and only 2 more runs to go, i starting noticing a lot of debris floating by, moss, leaves, sticks and such. then i noticed the water clarity had disappeared and the flows had come up. it cut my morning short by about an hour but thats ok cause it was by far one of the better outings ive had this year and probably the best fishing ive had in that section. including 3 fish that were 20 plus so thats always a bonus

Sunday, July 7, 2019
Bad info
So, was researching potential hikes for yesterday. found one that was supposed to be a 7 miler round trip. thought that that was certainly doable without much issue. invited my daughters boyfriend to tag along since he likes to hike and has never been in the Unitas. both my hiking book and on-line info said 7 miles round trip with the last mile being pretty steep and only mentioning cutthroat in the lake. i was only interested in cutthroat so i chose this hike. all said and done, the last almost 1.5 miles was extremely steep, at least for us. it was 1000ft incline in that distance, i caught mostly brookies with just a few cutts and it ended up being 10.7 miles round trip. the hike was fine for the first 3.5 miles but it was that last 1.5 that really did us in. it was an ass kicker for sure and my longest hike to date. the fishing was definitely lights out for pan sized fish though

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