Friday, September 20, 2024

Lost its luster

 Me and matt drove out to a place that i have fished for years on and off but the last 1/2 dozen times out or so it has not been up to par. the weather was great and we didnt see another soul around but the section we fished, my favorite section, fished like shit. we got a few on streamers and a few on hoppers but it was very disappointing in my eyes. i may take some time off of it for awhile. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Someplace new

Since i had to drop Alanna off at school before fishing, i ended up fishing the closest option i had in mind and a place i hadnt really fished before. fished a lake looking for tigers preferrably but ended up with a couple fiesty rainbows and that was it. landed 1 on my 1st cast but i consider that the kiss of death. it was a res so i chose to nymph some leeches