I got up at 4am and shortly after was on the road. i headed up over the pass in search of a new area and lake. unfortunately i could not find any type of trail head for it or any sort of marker, so after driving around different dirt roads in search of any sort of identifier, i decided to try elsewhere. unfortunately on my way out steam started pouring out of my hood so i quickly stopped and popped the hood. unfortunately i had radiator fluid spewing everywhere by where the top radiator hose fastens to the radiator itself. to speed up the process of me being able to refill the radiator i took my hoodie off and popped off the radiator cap. of course that really sped of the process. as that was going on i started to look things over and noticed that the hose where it hooks up to the radiator up top had some how slipped off the radiator itself. luckily i still had my leather man equivalent multi tool in the back of my jeep, which had a small screw driver built in and i was able to re-tighten the radiator hose clamp after pushing it back onto the radiator. i put in water water i had in the back of the jeep, which wasnt much, but it was enough to get me down the road to one of the little creeks that i crossed on the dirt road. i stopped at the creek and with the little water bottles i had i refilled the radiator and was on my way. i decided that i didnt have time to hike to my second choice so i parked at the trail head of plan 'B' but went in a different direction. i covered 3 different lakes, 1 of which was a new one but i came out empty handed from all 3 lakes. one of the lakes that fished really well last fall didnt even produce so much as a follow or a hit it
did however have some winter kill and i did see some dead fish in the shallows at one end of the lake. as always it was great to get out but all in all it was not a very good day.
Myself and Alanna went out for a hike today. we hiked around to 3 different lakes but only 2 were fishable and we came away with zero fish on the day. i was able to knock off some different uinta lakes and we were able to get out of town and into the mountains for some fresh air and excercise. the downfall was all crowds, but i read about the crowds in this area going into the day so i expected it. it was still an enjoyable day. we finished the day at our favorite area burger joint.