Scott took me on a hike that will take me a good week to recover from. greyling was the target for the day and greyling we had. it was a 5.5 mile hike in and it was about 90% up hill. on top of that carrying a fully loaded pack (50-60lbs), it was as much as i care to handle. i am just not in that kind of shape. it was a good trail 1/2 the way then the trail that we had to take kind of disappeared and it was all climbing over downed trees, over rocks and thru some brush. we started hiking at 8:15 and got to the lake right at about noon. after a quick breather, we were rigged up and the clinic began. scott started with a black dry and i went with a small krystal bugger. i think i landed a dozen fish before scott landed any. the fishing was fast and furious for the first couple of hours, a fish every couple of casts, then it kind of slowed a bit to a fish maybe every dozen casts or so. as we hiked around the lake we came acrossed some gear that some one had left, small back pack with some clothes, sleeping bag pads and a box of bear rounds. we found that interesting and kind of creepy. as we began our hike out we came acrossed some more gear that was dropped off kind of randomly. couple of sleeping bags including a huge old style one with the flannel lining on the inside (who in the hell would want to pack that thing) a hatchett, a bunch of AA batteries and a box of .357 rounds with 1/2 of those spilled all over. again kind of creeped us out. we did finally make it out just shy of dark and scott did call the rangers office, who also thought the left gear seemed kind of odd, so they said they would go check it out. thanks scott for a great, although an ass kicking day.

photo by scott dickey
photo by scott dickey |
photo by scott dickey